Sunday, September 16

Their Finest Hour

I've seen a number of posts recently that suggest that 9/11 has been a bit overblown. Perhaps it has been, but I guess I'm a little sentimental. You see, on 9/11, I was in the factory that built the two planes that flew into the World Trade Center. Through the day, we watched our products kill our own people via the Internet as we tried to keep to the tasks we'd planned beforehand. As a Boeing manager said to us at the end of the day: "We were attacked with the products of our own industry." All too true.

However, the very next morning; by coincidence my birthday, before I had to leave to go to work in that same factory, I saw something that I'll never forget. It's shown below, and it let me know that, whatever happens, we are NOT alone! IMO, it was their finest hour. No focus groups or committee recommendations to Parliament were involved. Unlike the Battle of Britain, El Alamein, or even Waterloo, it wasn't YOUR fight. Instead, it simply showed your humanity. Thanks.

You're forgiven for burning Washington DC and trying to take Baltimore - 200 years ago this week. Please forgive us for having burned York...

Thanks for Playing a Tune, from your Wayward Children...