Tuesday, January 15

Texas Weather Education

Leftover Graupel Seen on the Way Home From Work
I must admit I've learned stuff about weather down here I NEVER heard of up in Washington State. Besides the ever present "wintry mix," last year I heard forecasts of "postal mix" and this year the latest meteorological fad seems to be "graupel." For the ignorant, a "postal mix" consists of "a little bit of rain, a little bit of sleet, and a little bit of snow." All presumably "in the dark of night." Graupel, on the other hand, is "soft sleet." Darn Germans!

We had graupel this morning. It just seemed like round snow to me. I guess I'll never be a television weatherperson...


  1. I do enjoy a good graupel once in a while. It's been a while since it graupelled where I ride, though. 2011, I believe.

  2. North Texas does has introduced me to a whole new range of events also. In Houston, when the fronts blow through, it's the always predictable 34 degrees and rain.

  3. I too have learned from the North Texas weather. I just don't always care for it.

  4. And yesterday it was 79 F for a high on my weather station...

  5. We have been having permanent Postal mix!!



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