Monday, November 24

Different Fall Colors

Part of this Tree FELL, in Fall
In years past, people such as RANTWICK and ANNIEBIKES had contests for cyclists to send in their photos of fall color. Alas, it seems nobody is doing this in 2014, though there are plenty of cyclists enjoying the autumn weather. I decided to look at fall color a bit differently this year. First up, the tree at the top of this post really put the "fall" into the term. Actually, it split rather than fell if we want to get technical.  The fallen portion of the tree has now been removed.

Green Mistletoe in a Mostly Bare Tree
Second, in North Texas, as in some other places, mistletoe keeps the color green in trees that otherwise turn pretty bare. We've got pines around as well, but mistletoe seems like it fits the season better.

Finally, we get some browns from the Texas State Nut, the pecan. Nope, I'm not the official state nut! Interestingly, the pecan is separately, the State Tree.

Pecans, the Texas State Nut


  1. After skipping it for two years, I am starting to miss the Autumn Tree Smackdown. I am currently resolved to bring it back next year... we'll see how I do!

  2. One of my favorite pies is made with this nut.
    Good stuff!

    Peace :)


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