Saturday, May 16

Who are "THEY" Anyway?

Closest Thing to a Bike Rack at the Ocean Shores WA IGA
Of course, this post COULD be titled “I’m no more dead than Rantwick!”

Are "THEY" Canadians?
Seriously, this all started back in late April. I’d ridden my bike to the IGA espresso stand and was picking up some groceries while I was there. One of the IGA employees asked how I was doing and I gave my standard answer that included a desire for a bike rack. She replied, starting this whole thread; “We had one but they trashed it.” Hmm, who WERE these beings anyway? Initially, I wondered if she thought that cyclists trashed the rack. Not bloody likely since cyclists were the most obvious beneficiaries of even a bad rack. Before long, I wondered if a gang of Canadian thugs had trashed the rack during one of their cross-border raids. That seemed more likely, but still remote. Perhaps some militant motorists wreaked vengeance on any symbol of cycling. That theory was supported by my observation that somebody ran something big and heavy into the McDonalds bike rack.

Might THESE People be "THEY?"
Before long, the mystery deepened. In response to an IGA survey, the manager noted that they had ordered a bike rack. This was in the first week of May. Well, that rack still hasn’t arrived, so perhaps “they” intercepted it.

Perhaps Chandra Snuck up to Ocean Shores to be "THEY?"
I also heard about potential “they” scofflaws in the local news when I heard that motorists were zooming down shoulders in Seattle in order to pass stopped school buses, narrowly missing students that were about to board. Scary. However, as time went on, I realized that the “they” are almost all of us.

Might "THEY" be the Mormon Church?
Which brings me back to wanting a real bike rack at the IGA...


  1. Indeed. They are busy with all sorts of mischief all over the world.

  2. I did not have any relations with that bike rack :)
    Glad to see your post!
    Peace :)

  3. I just saw a used book called "They: What you should know about Them". Shoulda got it for you.

  4. They had nothing to do with it. It was all me, baby.


    Heavy Canadian Motorist Thug.


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