Tuesday, March 13

Moderation EVEN in Portland

I Count TWELVE Bike Racks at this Portland, Oregon Ikea Store. Thank Goodness for iPhone "Panorama" Photo Mode!
Seen at the Ikea Store, adjacent to Portland International Airport. Count the number of BIKE RACKS in the photo at the top of this post. This is a store that isn't easy to access by bicycle, and few of its items lend themselves to being carried home by bike. I suspect this is in excess of even Portland's municipal code requirements.

We recently bought a bed at the Grand Prairie, Texas Ikea and it took all our Subaru could carry to get it home. The Grand Prairie didn't have any bike racks out front that I was able to notice. OTOH, if you want to buy a set of new living room furniture and bring it home by bike, might need a lot of cycling friends, though I suspect that if you brought along a dozen or more friends, at least one would be willing to watch the bikes. Perhaps the Portland Ikea would be willing to donate one of their racks to their Texas counterparts?


  1. Steve--It sounds like Portland and Grand Prairie need an exchange program. What would GP send to Portland in exchange for racks?

  2. Cargo bikes and trailers. You can load up!


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