It was a LONG Walk Home with a Failed Armadillo
Rim Differences
It isn’t just me. One of my fellow bike school students also had an Armadillo blow out – a tire used only ON a hook bead rim. What’s more, her experience is unlike any tire failure I’ve seen before. Namely, it appears the bead separated from the tire, with actual rusting of the bead, leading to an explosive tube failure.
Fairly New Armadillo with Catastrophic Failure
FWIW, coincidentally, I noticed a very interesting article on bike tire beads, here. Damon Rinard actually CUT the bead wires, and the tires did not blow. It was not a long-term test, but it suggests that the rubber part of the bead may be part of the culprit when it fails over enough of the circumference that the tire does not stay mounted.
What does this mean? Maybe nothing. However, I suggest that if you are getting a new Armadillo, you carefully inspect the bead of the tire to make sure there is no path for oxygen to get to the bead wire and replicate the bottom two photos. In over 40 years of cycling, I have never seen a tire fail in this manner – until I saw this one where the wire separated from the rubber.
Also, keep Armadillos out of the sun except when you are riding them. Those red sidewalls fade really fast and the sidewalls start to break down.
They also don't take kindly to being over pressure, or even at the top of their pressure range. I used to ride Armadillo 1.75s pumped up all the way, but cracks started appearing in the tread. Plus the roadholding in the wet... These days I go for continental Sport Contact (1.6) which IMO for 26" have the best roadholding, wet or dry, roll fast and happy at the top end of their pressure. Unfortunately they are also best friends with the p*ncture fairy. Still, you cant have everything.
I've got Armadillos on the road bike that I haven't ridden for 5 years, No real comments on the performance, but they were by far the most difficult to mount tires I have ever used! I broke three tire levers trying to get them on, and I prayed that they were as flat resistant as advertised because there is no way I could replace them on the side of the road.
I've seen bead separation on Continentals and cheap gumwalls. I've also seen the beginning of it on weathered tires of many brands, e.g. Michelin and Panaracer.
I knew I should have said nothing. The fairy visited me on my way home last night, just to let me know I wasn't forgotten.
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