I suspect John may be confused about his politics these days, just as I am. I think the country is confused as well, when a life-long Democrat seems to have the Republican Party in his authoritarian grip and when the Democrats excoriate their two most moderate Senate members. I'm waiting for the "DINO" perjorative to appear. Thankfully, cycling principles aren't really partisan at all in reality...
John Allen has actually made a lot of these points as well and I recall a few of his posts about actually designing shortcuts into arterial and cul-de-sac development (which itself is a disaster to mobility). I don't know what John's politics are these days but a lot of this stuff is intuitively obvious to me.
Just as most gun law seems to be written by people who don't know the muzzle from the breech, most traffic and zoning law seems to be written by well meaning but ignorant folks who are not bicyclists or pedestrians but who see the world from behind a windshield. The helmet laws, which inhibit bicycling while not meaningfully reducing injury rates, are one example. And Santa Fe is legendary for bike paths built for park and recreation use but don't go where one needs to go. Not to mention, the acres of excess but mandated motor vehicle parking (see Strong Towns web site).
It is actually worse than you have observed. I kept all the original club html pages. Unfortunately, I am now unable to connect the Jaz Drive I kept the stuff on to any of my computers since none of them can read scsi via pci. Luckily, some of the pages were also stored on hard drives which I was able to recover the information from before the computer I did that on died. I'm not sure whether people are better off in the Macintosh or the PC World in that regard.
This is alarming. Not that blogs are less popular, but that Google might flush Blogspot down the historical commode. I've been ranting into the Internet since 2007. Not so much to get more readers but because I like to blog and if someone is reading it, so much the better.
It is, actually pretty troubling that we have devolved into a culture that thinks discussions should be kept to the length of a tweet. That does not bode well for the more complicated aspects of civil society.
I've avoided FB like the plague for personal privacy reasons and find Twitter to be the rhetorical equivalent of matches and gasoline. People post a few lines as much to aggravate as to inform and to me, you can't have a decent discussion with a daisy chain of tweets.
I have never been able to spot a trend: Midlife Cycling started in June 2010, a year after the blog trend "peaked." Still, I think I'll stick with blogging. My interests and temprament aren't well-suited to memes or splashy images: I have Facebook and Instagram accounts but rarely post to them. I just hope Google doesn't cut off Blogger: I don't want my stuff to be lost.
Sadly, regardless of our intention to write, Google has a history of cutting off stuff considered to be more trouble than it's worth. Perhaps it is time to learn more about WordPress in case Google cuts off Blogger.
I agree with anniebikes. Writers will still like the essay and article format of a blog. We may be driven to extinction by a majority who don't want to read anything more than a few lines or a meme, but we'll go down typing. And no one will ever know what our last words were, because no one will have bothered to read them.
A "Cathedral" Under Hell Gate
Yesterday I reprised the late-afternoon ride I took two days before: a 72
km (45 mile) round trip from my apartment to Fort Totten and back.
The air ...
Consistency, fitness, and junk food
As Driving Season winds down for this winter, I endure the last few
commutes in which I am completely at the mercy of whoever is in front of
me. It will...
The Mittens that Everyone Needs
My hands suffer when it gets cold. While I have bar mitts attached to my
commuter Peugeot, that bike is also decked with studded tires until the
weather ...
Back in the Blogger Saddle
Five years ago, I left Blogger because Google was no longer supporting it.
Blogging was going out of style because social media was taking over, and I
Six weeks off.
The visit to see the Consultant went quite well really ... My ' numbers'
have started to creep up again so I am going to be given a different
Napaleon Batman Solo
*Pal in His Younger Days, Posting for a Portrait around 1970* After a long
naming discussion, this was Pal's "official name." Nobody ever called him
Phoning Back to Home
In my last post, I was amazed to find pay phones out in the wilds of the
Olympic Penninsula. Well, apparently, those phones were connected straight
to Dal...
The King, 2019
It would seem I'm quite willing to let the blog slide these days. However,
it would feel wrong not to post a picture of this Autumn's King; I have
been d...
Spring Break Countdown
I am pleased that *Tim* and I are planning our third consecutive spring
break bikepacking outing. We've had some good times on prior editions to
View along The Chattahoochee
View of the bridge across The Chattahoochee River in Roswell, Georgia.
Photo taken from the Roswell Riverfront Trail, while on a bicycle commute.
Please cli...
Subject Matter Mostly it's about local transportation cycling, as it exists in the here and now. It's got a smattering of other gratuitous toy recreation thrown in to keep y'all a little off balance. For those that don't know me, toy recreation means English & Italian cars, aircraft - and downhill skiing.
'Tis the season!
Is that magic??
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