It was late January of 2009. I’d just purchased “Buddy” for use in commuting from Colleyville to Haltom City. I thought it was a pretty long commute, at 14 miles each way. On bad weather days, I could break the ride up with a leg on the TRE. Things were good. It all started to unravel in February when we found that our work location might shift to Fort Worth Alliance Airport (FWAA), a place I’d only visited three or four times. It was a long way from home. People told me the roads out by FWAA were brutal, and I got a sinking feeling that maybe my bicycle commuting was coming to an end.
Next, Can I Make This Ride?
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When We Become The “Other”
What do you notice about this headline?:
*Cyclist beats man with bike, critically injuring him on the Upper West
Leading with “cyclist,” to me, f...
6 hours ago
I am really looking forward to this 6 part series.
Peace :)
You can be assured that there will be a few twists and turns. And it will put this blog into more context for my three or four loyal readers...
You mean I have to wait a WEEK for the next installment? You built up the suspense so nicely...
You have your Mondays, I have my Fridays. It's balance in the Universe.
The butler did it.
Butler, actually he was my first boss at Northrop. Pretty decent one too as bosses go...
The suspense!!!
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