Steve, leaving to take a
Traffic 101 course
that never happened

By late March, I’d taken the Land Rover out for scouting trips on the prospective route. I'd attempted to take a Traffic 101 Class that got canceled without notice (I found out upon my return home). I also concluded that I could probably avoid an unacceptable cycling time penalty by just riding a day less per week compared to Haltom City. By early April, I’d ridden the route twice, and fixed problems not readily evident from Google or the Land Rover scout trips. It looked like the trip would take a bit over 90 minutes, depending on wind and traffic. Some parts, such as
Westport Parkway, were not very nice - I couldn't see clearly as I rode west, down the road, the road was
that rough.
The second scout ride was the day before Good Friday – we were moving over Easter weekend and I wanted to ride the route on a work day.
It was a dress rehearsal. It also turned out to be a day I'll remember...
What happensh nexsht? The shushpenshe is killin' me!
You can't leave us hanging like this. Hurry up with the next post.
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