Saturday, November 3

Darkest Morning of the Year

Sunrise at 7:48AM - Even Earlier than the Solstice Thanks to DST

Yesterday was the darkest morning commute of the year, though a nearly full moon made it much less so except in the shadows of the Moon and the occasional street light. Even when the Winter Solstice comes, it'll get light earlier than yesterday and today. My friends in more northern latitudes have much the same problem even if they get to start working later than 8AM.

I, for one, am ready to turn my clock back and get some daylight on the latter portion of my morning commute. Yes, it'll be getting dark if I dally on the way home, but so be it.


cafiend said...

It's already dark when I'm on my way home. Light in the morning will be great.

RANTWICK said...

I've always been a bit of a crank when it comes to daylight savings... I wish nobody did it at all. Here in Canada, the province of Saskatchewan doesn't bother with it, and nobody has died of underproduction yet.

I want more light in the evening, anyway! Crank. Crank. Crank.

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