Saturday, June 30

Ski Diversion

I do a lot of bicycle posts on this blog. If you'll read the particulars, however, snow skiing is one of the passions. Snowboarding too, but that is a later affliction. Someday, God willing, I'll learn to tele and maybe even flatlander skiing.

My all-time ski favorite is maybe not who you'd expect. It's not Jean Claude Killy as my wife's favorite is. BTW, my wife skiied down through the trees at Yodelin. It's not Spider Sabich or Tommy Moe. It's not one of the Mahre brothers.

My all time fave is Picabo. She was one of the instructors in a ski video when I was first starting to learn. Maybe I'm like one of those ducklings that imprints on the first experience. Picabo, and Mike McKinnon.

Mike is doubly important to me. Not only was he my first ski instructor. He was also my first snowboard instructor, purely by coincidence, though I like that coincidence. I think I progressed a lot quicker on the snowboard instruction. When I took skiing, I think the instructors had a pool about whether I'd ever show up for the second week. Most of them lost. The myth connection? There is no truth to the rumor that Picabo became a nurse who later was banned from the ICU/CCU unit because she answered the phone, saying, "Picabo, ICU!" Unfortunately, we're headed into summer. No endless winter this year...


Pondero said...

I could have been persuaded to become a skier during the last 20 minutes of today's ride. Sounds refreshing.

John Romeo Alpha said...

I enjoyed cross country, but had to give it up as I developed a severe allergy to snow. It seems to get really bad whenever I see a snow shovel next to a snowed-in driveway.

RANTWICK said...

I have been skiing just enough times to know I shouldn't even attempt it. Pure carnage.

Ham said...

Too much sitting in snowboarding for me, I'm afraid. So as long as I can bend ze knees, it's skis for me

GreenComotion said...

"Picabo, ICU", can sometimes get one in trouble.
Shaggy simply barks if I try that with him. Come to think of it, he has always barked if someone said "Peek-a-boo" :)

Paz :)

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