Regular Tree Candidate, in Hoquiam, Washington |
If you look at
Rantwick's contest, the rules are somewhat vague. "Show" implies a fall color change, but he didn't actually say so. The first sort of candidate, in my nationwide search for the ONE to take down that Canuck tree is the regular sort, as shown in the first photo. As you can see, it's not really showing any color yet other than berries and this one isn't even big enough to be a real candidate. Still, it illustrates a type, of the same sort as Rantwick's "King."
Type 2 Tree |
In some areas, such as Washington and other areas of the west, there are whole other classes of trees (
Type 2 tree), such as the one at right, which put on their show with their attractive demeanor (
our for you northerners). Such trees do not change color (
our for you northerners). Some of us really favor (
our for you northerners) such trees, and SOME put on a show lately due to pine beetles, but I think we have to consider the judge bias and, regretfully, move on, not even considering the rain forest variant on evergreen trees, as shown below.
Moss-Covered Tree in World's Largest Temperate Rain Forest Region |
As an interesting diversion while tree hunting, sometimes the camera slips and you wind up with bicycle content entirely by accident such as in the photo below!
No Bicycles Allowed at Hoquiam City Hall. There's a Rack Around the Back. Hoquiam is the "Tree Capital." They Certainly Cut a Lot of Them Down. |
Moving on, SOME fall color involves entirely different approaches, including aquatic pond plants.
The Pond Plants are Starting Their Fall Color Change, but I Think They'd be Disqualified Under the Technicality That They are Not Trees |
Buddy Holly is NOT a Tree |
There are many other options as well, such as the
cactus varieties mentioned by John Romeo Alpha. I may have to narrow the search down. One of my daughters is, for example, searching around Lubbock for trees, but Lubbock is better known for windmills, oil pumps, prairie dogs, and Buddy Holly statutes. We will, however, leave no stump unexplored...
I'll take just about anything growing outside that does not winter in a greenhouse. Ideally it will be something that actually changes colour (or for you Southerners) in the Fall. It does not have to be a tree. Keep in mind, too, that the winner will be determined by online voters rather than a potentially biased judge or judges. I daresay I get more visits from the US than Canada, and more Texans than any other State. This could get ugly.
Ugly is an oak tree in the fall...
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