Friday, January 14

Advantage of a Short Commute

Bicycle Shop Salesman?
I've written about the price of a short commute, here. Today, I found that a short commute (under ten miles) has good aspects. I also found that dealing with bicycle shop salesmen has its similarities to nuclear weapons negotiations with the former Soviet Union - "trust but verify." All of this also illustrates that just when everything remotely and conceivably interesting about a commute has occurred, something else will unexpectedly pop up. It also represents one more "ABC FAIL."

Without further ado, without any previous incidents or warnings, I was coming home on the last (and warmest) day of the coldest week so far of this winter when, without warning, my rear tire decided to to go flat. After completing my left turn, I pulled into a local parking lot (with apologies to Rantwick's mom) and found that my tire pump would NOT work with Schrader valves. Ironically, I'd just been by my bike shop last weekend and ASKED the very same question. I was assured that it would work with EITHER Shrader or Presta valves. Just push it on. NOT, as I found out today. Hence the "trust but verify."

Flat Tire in the Rear. This is the Newer or the Two Armadillo Tires

So I hoofed it. No biggie. It's just a little extra work. And a little extra time. OTOH, it saves a trip to the gym since walking, being the primitive form of transport it is, is a LOT LESS efficient way to get from point A to point B. Less efficient means less calories that have to get burned up some other way.

Proof I Actually HAD a Pump - It Just Wouldn't Fit, Unlike a Cheap Pump Obtainable from Wally World
I checked my watch along the way and I discovered that despite all the irritation and delay, I arrived home at ALMOST THE PRECISE TIME that I would have arrived had I been making my v2 commute and nothing went wrong. Walking seems so much slower and it would be if I had to walk 20 miles instead of maybe four.

There really IS an advantage to a short commute. Instead of riding, onecan use a primitive form of transportation (walking) and STILL arrive home at the same time as USED to be considered reasonable. Kowabunga!

Dark Faith revisited will have to await a future post. And my spare tube is still in its wrapper.

File Photo of a PREVIOUS Long Walk Home


Anonymous said...

Hmmm - there's that "Dark Faith" thing again...hmmm.

limom said...

Bottled air!
And the pump.

John Romeo Alpha said...

I don't mind hoofing it a bit. Unless I have shoes with cleats on. Honestly, I'd prefer calling for a pickup, or else stuffing the tire with grass, over walking two or three miles shoes with cleats.

Steve A said...

SPD Cleats fix JRA's problem.

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