The line to vote Republican snakes around the entire building - and that's just "A through L," while you can vote Democratic with your choice of three workers to take your signature as soon as you walk up. Those three Dem poll workers pretty much pointed to the other line after a long and mostly thankless day for them.
OR "Where's Kinky Friedman when you need him?" I think if our precinct is any guide, Democrat support is not what it was four, or even two years ago. Now the discussion seems to be whether to go right - or FAR right. I just hope there's still a strong streak of Texas Ron Paul libertarianism within that tide.
Maria Ward: Bicycling For Ladies
As a teenager, I taught myself bicycle repair and maintenance, in part,
because I envisioned taking off, alone, on two wheels across cities,
villages, mo...
2 hours ago
Ah, yes, I remember the feeling from my days in Utah. You felt a little like everyone in the other line was taking notes on who's in "THAT" line.
All the time I was there, I didn't see ANYONE in "THAT" line so notes would have been pointless - even the old Soviet Union had more suspense. As I left, I made a point of thanking one of the Democratic poll workers for helping keep our system strong. As results come out, the winning Democratic Senate candidate has way less than half the votes of the LOSING Republican. I wonder how he got that many. Must be Houston and Austin...
My bad. - both Democratic Senate candidates COMBINED have less than half the votes of the losing Republican. I think this is not a likely swing seat...
I was surprised there were as many Dems in Los Alamos. I figured that being a Dem and a vegetarian meant I would have my house bombed.
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